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“Engineering for Road Safety” Workshop, Durban – 8th September 2016


Garry Savill, SARTSMA Chairman, presented a very interesting and informative presentation entitled “Effective Road Traffic Signs” as part of the SARF / SANRAL “Engineering for Road Safety” workshop, which was held at the Durban Country Club on the 8th September, 2016. Previous workshops have already been completed at Ekurhuleni, Port Elizabeth and Polekwane. The objective of the workshop is to present, examine and discuss with Industry Stakeholders, the current statutory requirements covering Vehicle Restraint Systems, Road Traffic Signs and Road Markings and review and implement best practice guidelines. Response to the workshops held to date has been extremely positive and further workshops are planned.

Workshop Presenters from left to right: Basil Jonsson (SARF), Ismail Essa (SANRAL), Garry Savill (SARTSMA), Andre Fabricius (AnFab Consulting), Rajan Padavattan (Nyeleti Consulting), Gail Bester (SANRAL) & Hennie Kotze (SANRAL)

The audience

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