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Strategic Infrastructure Plans : Feedback SARF Workshop

Garry Savill recently represented SARTSMA at a SARF workshop session, hosted at SANRAL Northern Region office in Lynwood, Pretoria, to participate in a presentation delivered by Solomon Kganyago. The presentation content outlined a high level view of the structures of the Presidential Infrastructure Co-ordinating Commission (PICC), as well as an overview of the Infrastructure Development Act (signed into law by the President on 2 June 2014), to provide for the facilitation and co-ordination of public infrastructure development. The development of public infrastructure is of significant economic and social importance to the country. Eighteen Strategic Integrated Projects (SIP’s) were identified by the PICC, which will ensure the:-

  • Transformation of the South African economy;

  • Creation of new job opportunities and thereby reducing unemployment and poverty; and

  • Improvement of skills, reducing the shortage of critical skills, as well as accelerating service delivery.

The complete National Strategic Infrastructure Plan and the Infrastructure Development Act are available on the SARTSMA website under “Downloads”.

SANRAL, as the responsible co-ordinating body of SIP 4 “Unlocking Economic Opportunities in the North West Province”, also gave a presentation of their current operations, which included the acceleration of the roll out of the inrastructures for water, road, rail and electricity.

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